Thursday, November 02, 2006



重:21lb11oz (30%)
头围:47cm (60%)


he kisses on cue;

he walks quite well on his own; he can stand up from a sitting position without any support;

he can drink from sippy cup and straw cup, but not consistently, and he does not hold sippy cup very well yet;

he sorts 3-4 stacking cups; and he can correctly put circle blocks into the circel hole in a sorting game, but not for triangle, square, or star-shaped blocks yet;

he puts bottle caps or cup caps to the bottles or cups in the right direction;

he understands a few commands from mom or dad;

he says baba and mama, but not specifically to the right person yet;

he imitates sounds made by mom and dad, such as t, h, g, d, and ahhhh;

he imitates actions by mom and dad, such as combing, holding a phone near ear, clapping, shaking head, holding head;

he plays and very much enjoys the "run/crawl and seek" game with mom or dad;

he feeds himself cheerios, bread, but not consistently.

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